Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hey! I'm as per usual trying to keep up with my every night blgging habit! :D Hmmm.. Watched YOG today :D the msia badminton player gave up cause of his leg injury D: it was such a good game =[ He really gave it all till he collapse and came up to tell the judge he cant take it :o brave young man =] So yea, i shall talk about determination today :D So seeing this guy so determined, i decided to quit playing com everyday and limit to once a week :D then spend the other distressing time on drumming and hamsters :D and also body building at night ^^ So i managed to do all three today which i felt great but because i didn't play drums for a long time my hands swell on just 10% of my practise i usually do :o and i tore my chest muscle -.- cause i over strain my muscles D: i felt like wimp but i'm goingto work up to being
the biggest winner :D JOIN ME PEOPLE! ITS NOT TOO LATE(:
A Paradigm Occured at, 10:10:00 PM.
LOL! WASSSSSUPPP :P HAHAHA! I got 6(M) for chinese LOL! Me and babe dont feel sad or anything surprisingly :o Oh Well! Hope all of you are happy too :D
A Paradigm Occured at, 2:39:00 PM.

Wassup guys! :D looks like no one discovered i've updated yet :P Kinda satisfied that dear slept early today and didn't eat :D i really wanna like help her overcome this giant obstacle but i'm afraid i might be more of a burden =[ i finally today felt relieved and ready to study tml.. -.- I NEED A PHYSICS BUDDY >:| Night people!
P.S. Cool photo eh :o Guess who is up there :P
A Paradigm Occured at, 10:54:00 PM.
Hey guys! :D Yea i know it has ben monthsss since i blogged :P but i'm thinking of blogging again. Should i? Cause sometimes i really feel that theres no one understand my pain. Hence, i might be resorting to self-confessions on my blog. Should i or should i not? Hmmm...

A little bonus for you guys(:
A Paradigm Occured at, 11:36:00 PM.