Hey ppl! Long time no visit muah! =D Have been kinda busy studying nowadays. Due to the school i have been pushed to achieve all B3 for my subjects if not i will be visit 3E2 again. Fuck. Just gonna tell the school that if i go there not gonna study alr. LOL! Yea. Anyways, i have been studying my brains out and my mum complains that i don't study enough. its like wtf?! yea. I play com for 1 hr and ka boom its like as though the world is falling -_- By doing all these shes just adding to stress to me and of coz, irritation. LOL! Like how the hell can i study when i'm pulling a long face? Its really really hard to concentrate -_- Anyways, i gtg alr! Hope you all do well with your studies! =]

And yea as promised Ary! ^-^ I pic wif me and my studs on =D
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